

One of the four alchemical elements, earth has the properties cold and dry, and symbolizes physical sensation. In esoteric tradition, earth represents the manifestation of matter.


An egregor was originally one of the legendary "watchers" (also, Grigori, Nephilim) of the apocryphal Jewish Book of Enoch, who descended to earth and taught mankind the arts and sciences-and in doing, introduced discord.

Elder Futhark

There are three commonly known runic alphabets: the 'elder' and 'younger' Futhark (futhark being the transliteration of the first few letters of that alphabet), the Anglo-Saxon futhork, and the Danish 'short twig' or script alphabet. The word 'rune' literally means a 'whisper' or 'secret.'

The Elder Futhark is the oldest, and consists of three sets of eight letters; there have been as many as thirty three runic characters, and as few as sixteen at various times. Runes have been used as a divinatory device from the beginning, and some scholars believe that at one time, a special class of diviners existed dealing soley in rune reading.

In the present time, runes are created and used by Asatru believers as a device for meditation and divination. One is generally expected to construct their own set of runestones.




There are five basic elements that make up our world; earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. In most practices of both Paganism and Wicca these five elements are used in ritual and spell work a lot. In fact the “pentagram” is a common symbol used in witchcraft (a five pointed star) to represent the elements and a “pentacle” is a symbol of a five pointed star incased inside a circle representing the elements combined and the “oneness” it creates.


Elementals are basically ghosts of living beings that have passed and remain through will and take shape with the aid of the five elements, although elementals do not carry a physical shape or body made of mass as we do, they have been known to inhabit bodies (possess) other living and non-living creatures. Elementals as a whole are pretty harmless many have all they can do to hold onto a physical appearance ( a body much like an astral body that can shape itself into a replica of a physical body of matter, usually by holding moister in the air, willpower, and so forth). Witches have been known to see elementals when others can not because witches are more in-tune with nature and it’s surroundings and use and rely on the elements in spells and rituals where as elementals must rely on the elements to hold a shape.


An equinox occurs when the celestial equator and the ecliptic (the ecliptic is the path the sun appears to take through the constellations of the zodiac) meet. This occurs twice a year, once in the spring, and once in the autumn. On both occasions, night and day are of equal length.



Unlike a sabbat which is based on a solar calendar, an esbat is based on a lunar calendar occurring thirteen times a year on full moons and is the time at which most wiccan and neo-pagan covens meet or gatherings (a large assembly or coven gather together) occur.


A form of divination preformed by having the ability to read comet and or shooting star patterns.

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