

The word abracadabra is known universally as the "magic word" of stage conjurers. What little is known is that it is a word of ancient origin, used by genuine magicians from about the third century.

The word abracadabra is derived from a Aramaic phrase (Avarah K'Davarah) meaning, "I will create as I speak." (Harry Potter fans might recognize this spelling; however, it is not a curse.) It has appeared in Kabbalistic and Gnostic texts alike.


In Ritual Magick and Kabbalah, the Abyss is the divide between individual ego-consciousness and enlightenment/Cosmic consciousness. In the practice of Kabbalah, it is the divide between the Supernal and the lower Sephiroth, the divide between the higher and lower states of existence. The abyss is the abode of the serpent Choronzon.


Alchemical symbol for air. One of the four alchemical elements, Air has the qualities of coolness and dryness, associations with breath, life, communication, and the holy spirit. In the Latin Alchemical language, it is Flatus, gas. In Ritual Magick and Kabbalah, it is the element overseen by the Archangel, Raphael. The ruler of Air is Peralda, and the elemental spirits associated with air are Sylphs. In Astrology, it rules the signs Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. The elemental sybols are derived from the hexagram.


The substance of spirit.


A table or other elevated surface on which offerings are made to various deities. Some form of altar is common to most religions.


A charm that can be made out of several things known to have magical energies and is worn on your person usually around your neck in most cases. There are several types of amulets each carries a different magical property such as protection, health, prosperity, success, love, lust, insight, courage, etc.



Ancient Egyptian symbol of fertility, life and immortality. Also known as an Ansata cross, it is a visual representation of a sandal strap. The lower cross represents the masculine aspect of divinity; the top loop, the feminine. The Ankh is considered to have meaning in Ritual magick and in Wiccan/Neopagan traditions.


Usually depicted as a jackal or jackal headed man, Anubis was the Egyptian judge of the dead. Anubis weighed the souls of the dead in the Hall of Osiris; judging them against the #"feather of Ma'at.” (The job of weighing souls was eventually transferred to the archangel Michael.) Anubis was the patron of emblamers and funerary priests.



The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is the Ram, a fire sign. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. (March 21st-April 19th)

Astral Traveling

Astral travel is known as the “Out of Body Experience”. It is the semi rare ability where your “spirit” or “Astral self” leaves your physical body and journeys to other astral planes, dimensions, or places. Some people experience astral travel without knowing it while they sleep when their body is in a more “relaxed state” and the subconscious takes over our “conscious” minds. It takes lots of practice to gain control of the ability to travel in the astral planes. When you do gain control over astral travel you can will yourself you be in two places at once (meaning you can physically be in one place and still have conscious control over your physical self (see, hear, and feel what is going on around you in your physical body) and your astral self or spirit can be somewhere else which is the part of you that isn’t made of physical substance and you can see what is happening in both places. Sometimes communicate from both places at once.)

Astral Self

This is the non physical part of you, your spirit or soul. Everyone has a spirit matter in them that usually takes the form of your true self or your physical body.

Astral Summoning

Now I have never read about the subject but I know from personal experience that astral summoning is possible. This is the ability for someone else to summon or will your astral self to them. This can happen when someone strongly wills you there with them or calls you subconsciously and your astral self responds without your consent from your conscious mind. If you don’t know what it is happening it can be quite an experience it is like being two places at once.


The ancient art of divining by carefully calculating and following the paths of the stars and planets. It is a very difficult but very accurate form of divination. In legends the centaurs (creatures half human half horse) where masters of astrology.


Pronunciation: ah-thah-may • (noun)

An athame is a knife with a double sided blade used in most wiccan/pagan rituals. Some prefer athames with a black handle but the color and decoration is really up to the person. Some like to personalize their athame with runes, and symbols engraved into the handle or blade. Some like to bless their athames with the 5 elements; earth, air, fire, water and spirit before using in rituals, circle casting, or ceremonies.



Pronunciation: Ah-toom • (noun)

In Egyptian and in Alexandrian Hermetic writings, Atum is the supreme deity, or the unknowable God, who travels across the sky in the aten, or sun disk.



An avatar is a reincarnation of a deity in human form.


Augur (Auspex)

An augur was one of a Roman priestly class, a diviner chiefly concerned with interpreting the songs and flight patterns of birds to determine the success of Roman political and military undertakings. (the augur was also known as an 'auspex,' from which we get the word 'auspice.') The practice was inherited by the Romans from the Etruscans.

The augur's tool was a wooden wand, often with a curled end, called a littus (or, lituus). Echoes of this ceremonial tool can be seen in the crozier carried by officials of the Roman Catholic Church. (Early images of Jesus sometimes depict him withan augur's wand)


The most progressive sign of the zodiac Aquarius rule by the planet Uranus planet of rebellion and the element water. (Jan. 20th-Feb. 18th)


An aura is energy sometimes visible around a person, place, or thing. Often times auras can be seen in different colors and hold different meanings. For example if you see a black aura around a person it could mean usually one of two things death, or a drastic change that is about to take place to the person or has recently taken place with that person. A black aura can also mean negative energy, usually if that is the case you can sense the bad feeling as well hovering around that person or place or thing.

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